You’ve probably seen the election signs on every corner: a regular pile-up of candidates you may not know much about. Maybe you figure it doesn’t matter if you vote in the local election. Not so.
This is a critical moment for the town of Chapel Hill. Only 12% of registered voters participated in the last local election. Our town’s future should not be decided by such a small number of people. Your vote can shape Chapel Hill for generations to come.
Don’t know which candidates to vote for? Keep reading.
If you’re happy about the high-rises and chain stores all over town, vote for the incumbents.
Here are some things they have done over the past several years:
- Approved the high-rise student apartment buildings on Rosemary and Franklin streets
- Cut town services for inspections, recreation, and street resurfacing.
- Increased the town manager’s budget by more than 40 percent.
- Rezoned the 190-acre area now known as “Ephesus-Fordham” to allow seven story buildings and encourage upscale redevelopment in areas prone to floods.
- Voted to allow up to 75 percent residential development on a tract off I-40 ideal for commercial or office space.
- Remodeled Town Hall after flooding and mortgaged it for $10 million.
If you’re frustrated by the way Chapel Hill is changing, vote for CHALT’s endorsed candidates. Pam Hemminger, Jessica Anderson, Nancy Oates and David Schwartz will work to:
- Manage growth responsibly
- Create affordable workforce housing
- Protect the natural environment
- Manage our tax dollars wisely
- Expand bus service
- Support local merchants
- Create office space for start-ups
- Make walking and biking safer
- Preserve our college-town character
- Keep our schools strong
- Early voting is October 22nd-31st. Election Day is November 3rd.
- Help shape Chapel Hill’s future. Together we can take back our town!
Early voting is October 22nd-31st. Election Day is November 3rd.
Help shape Chapel Hill’s future. Together we can take back our town!