Syrian artist Aziz Alasmar paints a mural of George Floyd on the remains of a collapsed building in Binnish, a town in Syria’s Idlib province.  Mohamad Jamalo

— Rev. William Barber –  “If we take time to listen to this nation’s wounds, they tell us where to look for hope. The hope is in the mourning and the screams, which make us want to rush from this place. There is a sense in which right now we must refuse to be comforted too quickly. Only if these screams and tears and protests shake the very conscience of this nation – and until there is real political and judicial repentance – can we hope for a better society on the other side of this.”

For more than a week, I’d been musing about sending out Trevor Noah’s “George Floyd and the Dominos of Racial Injustice,” (by now you’ve likely seen it), and then I saw his panel on “Defunding the Police,” so that’s the second link below. The third link caught my eye, especially because friends locally are currently reaching out to our local police chiefs for civil/civic conversation.

Jane Elliott’s 45 Second Exercise

Book Discussions

Here is a list of some great organizations to get involved with: 
Please also write directly to your local legislators. To find who your legislators are, visit: