Chapel Hill does not needs another project made up of expensive rentals. At a recent Council economic development meeting a consultant told the Chapel Hill Town Council the Town has an oversupply. Rentals will go for around $3000. a month according to the Texas based developer. Their contribution of affordable rentals comes in at 15% at $1800.
The location of the proposed Aura is a problem because Estes Drive is congested now and the proposed project is located at at busy intersection. Most people in town depend on Estes Drive, a east-west connector, that school families and commuters depend on.
What’s needed is a comprehensive traffic plan for Estes Drive before the Town Council makes any more permit approvals! The Town Council can vote this project down. Approving just one project at this location on Estes Drive will remove future solutions. for other land owners.
In the March 31 Daily Tarheel, the Texas based developer says that Aura will cure traffic on Estes! Ryan Stewart, Carolina region managing director of Trinsic Residential Group, the developers for the project, said “the development would help to alleviate some of the current traffic concerns for the area by improving surrounding infrastructure. Further he said, “the developers have met with Town engineers and their own consultants to resolve the traffic issues, and that they are 100 percent in agreement with the community.”
This is a Texas size whopper and a false statement.
There is no way that Estes Drive traffic will be alleviated by adding an apartment complex housing 650 more cars and placing the main entrance 800 feet from the corner of the intersection.
Interest and concern about Estes Drive traffic is so high, the Town Manager announced two more traffic forums held this week. Over 60 people attended the first traffic forum and his week the Town held a third traffic forum touting a traffic model attended by three dozen residents . They listened intently to dry traffic statistics because they are alarmed at what could happen to this important artery, should the Town Council approve it.
In the same Tarheel artivle and in a presentation to the Community Design Commission, Trinsic took unmerited credit for intersection improvements which will in fact be paid for by Chapel Hill/NC taxpayers planned years ago duing the Central West planning process.
Estes drivers are organizing. If readers want to know more about how to stop Aura, please google, sign the petition and join the Facebook group.