“After the May 26 Chapel Hill Town Council public hearing about the AURA development plan, I (we) wonder if it is too late for a better project for the Butler property at the corner of MLK Jr. Boulevard and Estes Drive. Public interest is at a high level because the consequences of approving this bad proposal are easily understood, with negative impacts to traffic, safety, stormwater runoff, the tree canopy and the long-term walkability of a large area of Chapel Hill. The Texas-based Trinsic is seeking a permit to build up to 360 apartments for rent, up to 60 townhouses and just 2 percent commercial space at this busy corner.”
“The Council is scheduled to vote Wednesday, June 16th. Here is the question of the moment:
Do council members have the courage to say “no” to the proposed Aura project when this project clearly does not serve the best interests of our community?”
Here is Ian Jackson’s full editorial printed in the Local Reporter.
Specific problems remain with the AURA proposal. The Town still has no workable traffic plan for Estes Drive which would address how to handle AURA’s 3000 daily trips and the thousands of additional trips that will be added when five area properties decide to develop. Last minute conditions to add limited pervious surface are insufficient to address future flooding problems, and the flashing signal crosswalks while well intentioned are unmanned for school kids near AURA. Incomplete bike paths will make Estes Drive even more dangerous than before. Only three days ago, the Planning staff added pages of conditions which are new to the Town Council and the public. How can considered decisions be made under these circumstances?
You can view the Town’s agenda materials here and check out the website put together by Estes Neighbors.
Sign the petition here. Register to attend the Town Council meeting here.