President Trump tests positive for coronavirus

At about 1:30 am on October 2, the White House announced that Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for coronavirus... The story has been coming clearer in the last three hours since the story broke. Apparently, Hicks tested negative on Wednesday...

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What do NC’s new rules mean for bars, gyms and theaters?

Governor Cooper announced “Safer At Home Phase 2.5.” to contain the Covid - 19 pandemic. on September 1, easing restrictions on some North Carolina businesses. Many businesses have been partially or completely closed since the March 17 order to shut down all but...

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Proposed Master Plan for Northern Chapel Hill

Last year the Town Council hired a consultant to study northern Chapel Hill around the Timberlyne Shopping Center with the intention of guiding new development to achieve Chapel Hill goals. On December 4, 2020 the Town updated a Council Committee. Here is the full...

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Orange County Health Director Asks UNC to go Online

Herald Sun August 6th As UNC-Chapel Hill students return to campus this week, Orange County’s health director is asking the university to — at minimum — use fully online instruction for the first five weeks of the fall semester. Health Director Quintana Stewart, in a...

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Council Approves Elliott Road Extension

On Wednesday, July 29th, The Chapel Hill Town Council voted unanimously to fund the construction contract to build Elliott Road Extension for 6.5 million dollars.  CHALT has opposed the road from the time it was proposed in 2014.  At this meeting we presented again to...

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Petition to ask Town Council to Delay Land Use Plans

This 7/13 Petition to the  Mayor and Town Council of Chapel Hill calls for an evaluation of post-Covid impacts before new land use plans are adopted. If you would like to sign you name in support please write and say "yes".  Thank you! The undersigned...

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The Legacy of George Floyd

Syrian artist Aziz Alasmar paints a mural of George Floyd on the remains of a collapsed building in Binnish, a town in Syria's Idlib province.  Mohamad Jamalo The Global Legacy of George Floyd — Rev. William Barber -  "If we take time to listen to this nation’s...

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Chapel Hill Matters. That’s what we believe, and that’s what we aim to bring to you. Our goal is to bring information about local issues to you when you need it.