Resources for a Crisis, updated August 3, 2020….

August, 2020 Update   UNC shares plans for reopening during Covid. Mobile!/vizhome/CarolinaCOVID-19MonitoringDashboard/COVID19MetricsDashboard The Web   A...

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COVID-19 Q & A with Dr. Ingram

Thursday, May 21, 2020 • 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm • ZOOM Meeting This free program offered interested local residents an opportunity to learn what we know, and don’t know, about the COVID-19 virus. In Part 1, following a brief talk about the characteristics of this virus,...

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We Can Do Better On Transit….

What Leadership Changes Are Needed to Give us Improved Transit? Important Note: The March 3rd Primary is the decisive election for Orange County Commissioners so we encourage everyone to get out and VOTE. We think the challengers, At-Large candidate Amy Fowler and...

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CHALT 2020 Endorsements

Since 2015, the Chapel Hill Alliance for a Livable Town (CHALT) has endorsed candidates for Chapel Hill mayor and Town Council. Because of the major impact that Commissioner decisions have on the livability of Chapel Hill and the county, and the importance of having a...

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Why Did North Carolina Move its Primary to March?

  Why did North Carolina Move its Primary to March? Up to now, Iowa has enjoyed being first in the spotlight for expressing the earliest presidential preference through its quirky and very democratic caucus process. North Carolina leaders knew that, after Texas...

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Chapel Hill Matters. That’s what we believe, and that’s what we aim to bring to you. Our goal is to bring information about local issues to you when you need it.