Two Middle School Students Hit by SUV in Crosswalk
Parents, teachers, students and neighbors are calling for action after an SUV hit and seriously injured two middle-school students trying to cross Estes Drive in a marked crosswalk joining Caswell Road and the Estes Hills neighborhood with Guy B. Phillips Middle...
Short-term Rentals in Chapel Hill: A Successful Collaboration
The passage of regulations for short-term rentals (STRs) is a success story for 2021. It was the combination of neighborhood and business interests coming together around common interests and creating an atmosphere where a meaningful change in Town policy became...
Election Results
Here are the official election results from the Orange County Board of Elections. We are thrilled that the three strongest and most qualified candidates won the race for the Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board. TOWN OF CARRBORO MAYOR (VOTE FOR 1) Precincts Reported: 8...
Town Reports Delay in Estes Drive Improvements
Neighbors from Coker Hills, Coker Hills West, Estes Hills and Huntington-Sommerset met today November 10th with Chapel Hill’s planning director, Colleen Willger, and transportation planners Josh Mayo and Bergen Watterson. The Town recorded the session and we assume...
PRESS RELEASE: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Now Available for Children Ages 5 to 11
MEDIA RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kristin Prelipp, Communications Manager and Public Information Officer, Orange County Health Department or 919-245-2462 LINK TO MEDIA RELEASE:...
What is CHALT doing about our shortage of affordable housing?
The Chapel Hill Council has identified as a priority addressing the need for affordable housing. See Town dashboard. These non- profits help by supporting key programs. CASA Community Home Trust Empowerment Here is how CHALT is helping: We advocated for Town Homes in...
Trickle-Down Housing
Aerial view of 15-501 looking north, Chapel Hill “Trickle-down housing” refers to the idea that if we build enough new housing, of whatever type, housing prices in general will fall. But this supply-side idea doesn’t apply to housing markets, which are fundamentally...
CHALT Responds to Indy Week
October 20, 2021 Dear Indy Editors - Jane and George, We find the Indy uninformed about CHALT, as revealed by your characterization in your recent article about the Chapel Hill election. The heart of the problem with current leadership in Chapel Hill is shown by the...
CHALT sets the record straight
Dear Chapel Hill East Observer Editors, Ms. Caroline Chen wrote an article about CHALT in the East Chapel Hill Student Newspaper. that was also picked up and printed by the Independent. The article is full of inaccuracies widely read. Our corrections and comments for...
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