AURA: A Legacy Vote for the Town Council

“After the May 26 Chapel Hill Town Council public hearing about the AURA development plan, I (we) wonder if it is too late for a better project for the Butler property at the corner of MLK Jr. Boulevard and Estes Drive. Public interest is at a high level because...

Short-Term Rentals in Chapel Hill

After studying the growing short-term rental (STR) industry with a diverse study group for two years, we believe that a fair regulation can be written to apply to all short-term rentals in Chapel Hill which would allow owner operated STRs to function within a...
Annex on South Columbia

Annex on South Columbia

  South Columbia Street Annex     The application for the Columbia Street Annex was finally approved by the Chapel Hill Town Council in February 23rd, 2021. The owner and developer requested a zoning change from residential 2 to mixed use village conditional...