New Construction at University Place Could Flood

At the Council meeting last week, the Town Council reviewed the concept plan proposed by RAM to redevelop Univesrity Place  The News and Observer story about the proposal is here. Several CHALT supporters commented to the Council on the potential for flooding, as much...

Charting Our Future Land Use Plan Meetings

The Town is developing a land use map to guide development for future years. At the recent CHALT Candidates Forum, Mayor Pam Hemminger urged people to attend public input meetings and comment on the draft future land use maps. A formally adopted land use map will go a...

UNC has Plans for Franklin Street

The Board of Trustees approved UNC’s Master Plan for Central Campus in May but one feature of the plan has just grabbed the public’s attention —  the plan to create a new UNC entrance on Franklin and to raze and replace the old buildings along the...

Land Use Plan Proposals Still in Review

On June 26th, Wednesday night, the Council voted to refer the draft maps back to the staff to gather more public input this summer and fall.  It was near the end of the agenda,  when the Town Council asked for public comment on 6 key areas of town that later will...