What to do about Chapel Hill’s coal ash dump?

Over 100 people signed a letter asking the Town Council to slow down and choose an environmentally sound solution.  Read the letter that asks the Town staff follow the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s instructions to develop a Remedial Action Plan so the...

Serious Flooding in Chapel Hill

Almost every store in Eastgate shopping Center flooded in the recent storm took on from 9 – 30 inches inside their stores. Homes flooded.  Dirty polluted water invaded the insides of many homes and stores. See and hear “Some Lost Everything” in...

Time is Running Out for the Craig Preserve

Time is running out! This week, we’ve observed timber-company foresters with clipboards assessing trees to prepare bids for Mr. Craig’s timber sale. What’s known for sure? Mr. Craig told a Chapel Hill Town planner he would definitely be able to say when his...

What’s happening with the PH Craig Tract?

    One of the favorite places to hike in the area is the 77 acre tract owned by P.H. Craig next to Carolina North. Several years ago the Governor awarded the Long Leaf Pine award to Mr. Craig for protecting this land. According to the owner, ” it...

Why are Trees Coming Down on Estes Drive?

Two development projects and a town plan to build a multi-use bike path along Estes Drive account for all the tree cutting and activity on Estes Drive. Butler property. (Estes Drive at corner of MLK) This property is owned by Catherine Butler.  The owner has submitted...