Support Solar Resolution

April 23, 2019

Dear Mayor and Council

We support the Environmental Stewardship Board’s resolution to extend the existing Council Energy Policy for rezonings to include the installation of rooftop solar energy systems.

 “The Environmental Stewardship Advisory Board asks the Town Council to require all new building construction and renovations in Chapel Hill which require a rezoning with a Special Use Permit to install roof-mounted solar energy systems over at least 80% of eligible roof areas, with certain stipulations.”

We must pick up the pace for local actions that will slow the coming global warming crisis.  NYC today announced fines on non-energy efficient buildings. We would like to see Chapel Hill at the vanguard of energy efficiency efforts.

Thank you Mayor and Council members for considering this proposal. It’s time to move forward with local action.


Richard (Pete) Andrews

David Adalsteinsson

Ivy Barger

Deborah Bender

Margie Brache

Linda K. Brown

Anne and Bill Brashear

Maria de Bruyn

Martin Feinstein

Debbie and Arthur Finn

Vivian Fouchee

Harry Foy

Lindsay Garrison

Laurel Goldman

Joan Guilkey

Jamie Hartless

Rick Harper

April Harrison

Margaret Heath

Tom Henkel

Charles Humble

John and Angela Ireland

Rudy Juliano

Fred Lampe

Peter de Leeuw

Victor Lancaster

Kyle Lancaster

Pamela Lancaster

Amey Miller

Robin McCarthy

Julie McClintock

Susan Morance

Thomas Nielson

Linda Palladino

Karen Piplani

Carol Prokop

David Schwartz

Del Snow

Will Raymond

Ellie Reinhold

Pamela Schultz

Woody Setzer

Pat Shane

Shilpa Shah

Nancy Sinreich

Dan Sissors

Alan Snavely

Robert and Terry Vance

Patrick and Susan Watson

Ralph G. White

Jeannie Zang



Signers as of 5pm, April 26th: