On Wednesday, June 12th, the Chapel HillTown Council voted for a short-term plan that lays out next steps for the coal ash dump that resides underneath the Chapel Hill Police Department Headquarters on MLK Blvd, just above Bolin Creek. Friends of Bolin Creek, the Southern Environmental Law Center, and Pam Schulz, Chair of the Stormwater Advisory Committee, urged the Council to strengthen the plan.
The approved plan calls for the removal of tons of coal ash that has fallen off the coal ash cliff at the foot of the hill next to Bolin Creek. Over time storms have washed coal ash down the hill into the trail area. A recent sample in the trail area showed arsenic concentration 2 – 3 time the human health standard near where the the construction of a new trail connection for the Bolin Creek trail will soon begin. Therefore, in addition to the removal of the contaminated soil, a regular soil sampling requirement with results reported to the Council was added to the resolution.
This letter summarizes the concerns. Friends of Bolin Creek Letter re Coal Ash Interim Measures. Town meeting materials are found here.