Source:  Friends of Bolin Creek

The Chapel Hill Town Council will review a concept plan for the redevelopment of 828 MLK, the present Police Department offices on April 27th. Given the public interest in this topic, we don’t know why the Council has placed the consideration of the concept plan as the very last thing on the Council agenda.

To participate in the virtual meeting or speak, please register at the address. It will be necessary to take the survey in order to register for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar in listen-only mode. Phone: 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 880 4229 5865.

Read the full Friends of Bolin Creek post here. 

CHALT supporters are concerned that building on coal ash is an unhealthy project and we don’t know where it has successfully been done with out significant cleanup. We are not in favor of housing, and especially subsidized affordable housing at this location.

Register here for the meeting

Source:  Friends of Bolin Creek.

Addition articles on this topic: