Pictured is the stream determination map of wooded tract selected for Municipal Services Center.
The Town is planning to build new municipal buildings to serve as police headquarters, fire department administration, and parks and recreation offices, among other purposes. UNC offered this tract of land to Town officials located between the Elkin Hills neighborhood and Estes Drive Extension and will likely have two entrances/exits on Estes Drive Extension across from Carolina North. Elkin Hills, a Chapel Hill neighborhood, is located to the south and downhill from the project, and Ironwoods is located to the west.
The land is heavily wooded and has several streams. The Town and UNC have organized a facilitated process including the neighbors and all interested parties to participate in the design of the plan. If you want to be on the Town list for meeting notifications you can contact Aaron Frank at the Chapel Hill Planning Department. Town webpage here.
Given the challenges of building on a rolling and stream laced wooded site, it will be essential that the the final agreement contain standards to prevent downstream flooding. Limiting impervious surface is essential because the amount of impervious square feet is directly proportional to the amount of runoff and potential flooding of the homes located downhill. The Town Council will consider an update at their regularly scheduled meeting on January 31st.