We will advocate for further changes in the “Blue Hill” form based code
- Fix the code so it incentivizes affordable housing units. Code threw out affordable housing requirements and by right zoning eliminated possibility of negotiating for subsidized rental units. Code did away a way with zoning for a use – so mostly un affordable luxury apartments were built.
- Improve commercial space requirement. Council agreed to require 10% commercial – this was helpful but not enough.
- Develop shared parking and mandate parking limits. Supplying huge amounts of on-site parking cancels out any benefits of locating developments on a transit corridor. Bluehill has not turned out to be walkable.
- Find ways to keep local business when redevelopment occurs. Upzoning raised property values have forced out a number of local business.
- Bring back the public hearing. Code did away with public hearings denying the public a voice in how their town grows. Most NC cities include hearings in their FBC process.
- Limit building in floodplains. Most of this redevelopment is located in a flood plain or near one. Flooding conditions will get worse over time due to climate change and to 3 million square feet of building permits already granted in upper watershed.
- Add a transit component to FBC.
- Retrofit buildings to ensure good pedestrian access.
- Meet climate change goals. Pursue the Town Council’s stated commitment to the Paris Accords climate change goals. We ask the staff to return in the future with text language that will address your climate change goals. Include: increased tree canopy, set AIA-2013 performance standards, Green Walls and limited parking.